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What We Do

The Dispute Resolution Center of Kitsap County is a nonprofit organization that provides mediation, facilitation, and education services to help individuals, families, and organizations resolve conflict.

The DRC services offer people in conflict powerful strategies to open communication and find lasting solutions.


The Dispute Resolution Center of Kitsap County offers mediation as a valuable alternative to litigation.

If your wish is to avoid the court system, improve communication, or preserve or restore relationships, mediation is designed to do just that.


Need to offer a community forum? Does your team need a structured retreat for planning or team-building?

Need help running a meeting? We offer facilitation services for a wide variety of settings.


We train people from all walks of life in skills that help them navigate conflict at work, at school, and at home.

Training participants learn essential skills through lecture, demonstrations, and role-plays, engaging in multiple opportunities for hands-on practice.

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There are many ways you can make a difference and help support our mission.

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