Need a training? We can help!
We train people from all walks of life in skills that help them navigate conflict at work, at school, and at home. Training participants learn essential skills through lecture, demonstrations, and role-plays, engaging in multiple opportunities for hands-on practice. Conflict resolution skills are personally life-changing for many participants.
If you would like to discuss your organization’s custom training needs, or have any other questions, please email us at We look forward to speaking with you!
Teacher Clock Hours and CLEs (including ethics) are available for selected trainings.
Please see training summaries below for more information.
Mandatory Co-Parenting Seminar
This four-hour seminar focuses on children’s unique needs prior to separation, during divorce, and in other family residential changes. Learn about the developmental stages of children, the impact of divorce/separation on children, the grief process, positive ways to communicate with your child’s other parent and much more.
This seminar is approved by the Kitsap County Superior Court and intended for parents involved in divorce, legal separation, or paternity actions.
For more information or if you’re ready to register, see our Mandatory Co-parenting Seminar page

40-hour Professional Mediation Training
Want to become a mediator? Looking to gain lifelong conflict and communication skills you can take to any setting?
This 40-hour mediation course is designed to acquaint participants with the philosophy, concepts, process model and specific behavioral skills needed for a working role as a beginning mediator. These skills can also be applied in a wide variety of personal and professional settings.
Restorative Circles Training
Want to be a peacebuilder?
Take circle-keeping to almost any setting in your personal, professional, or community life. Circle keeping is a Restorative Practice that employs the art of listening to facilitate the opportunity for community and social equity building.
For more information, see our Restorative Circles Training page

Group Facilitator Training
Struggle with having effective meetings? Does your job involve inviting multiple viewpoints to the table on a regular basis?
Learn facilitation skills with us!
Effective facilitators draw upon a variety of communication skills and decision-making practices to help groups solve problems, work through conflict, agree on action plans and develop clarity for future direction.
For more information, see our Group Facilitator Training page
Peer Mediation Training for Schools
Looking to start or maintain a Peer Mediation Program in your school?
We offer on-site training as part of maintaining your Peer Mediation Program. Our trainings are highly interactive and include hands-on practice and role plays. Graduates of this program receive a certificate of completion and can start mediating conflicts among their peers.
For more information see our Peer Mediation page.

Training for Mediators
Already a mediator? Looking for trainings in an area of specialty? Please see our list of trainings for mediators